VTC House at a Glance
Our Mission
"to prepare each of its students to maximise their potential for their careers and for life."
We promote independent learning and self-responsibility to prepare them for universities and the global work environment.’
Core Values
​We call them the 5 C's and they are at the core of our teaching and day-to-day life at VTC House:
Caring: we believe that creating an environment that truly cares for our students will help them see how valuable and unique they are to not only us but also to their community and society in general.
​Commitment: it is not just us who are fully committed to your child’s academic and personal success. We require our students to fully commit in their studies so they can reach their full potential.
Challenge: we believe promoting academic and personal standards focused on raising self-expectations in striving for excellence will provide an environment, which leads to success.
Community: through both the everyday life at VTC House and through our projects with our Interact group, students have a sense of belonging and are encouraged to look outwards.
Christianity: is at the base of our values. Students all have the freedom of choice to decide what is right and what is wrong, but if they value God they will look to Him for what is right and wrong.

Key Facts
Grades 8-12, A Levels, IGCSE, AS Levels & GED
Pass rate:
Subjects offered:
Average class size:
1:1 teacher/student ratio.
Awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Education by Department of Education of South Africa in our contribution to excellent education to the country.
One of our students achieved the highest mark in South Africa for Biology AS Level Cambridge examination in June 2017.
Extra-mural offerings:
Rotary Interact Club helps develop leaders and an outward focus as students focus on uplifting their communities through various initiatives.
Our on the job shadow programme allows students to get valuable experience in the career job that they are considering pursuing to give them real life understanding of what to expect in the working world.
Students graduated to date:
We are one of the first in the area to utilise technology in the classroom and have our own phone app for students to access online timetable and for easy communication.
We also use education technology in our online platform to facilitate classes over the internet and we are continue to utilise innovative technology to support our students and improve the learning process.
Imagine a place of possibility...
A structured learning environment that reflects your own individual style, your interests and talents.
Imagine a supportive community of teachers and students where you'll tackle exciting challenges, grow individually and discover passions that will change your life