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It's advised to consider the tuition options and discuss this with the principal during your interview before deciding on which option is best suited for your child.


We don't make our tuition fees publicly available but if you contact our reception office to request more information, we will gladly send you the fee structure.


We offer the following types of Tuition Options for your child:




For those staying  in the Cape Town area, we offer face to face tuition at our campus based in Fish Hoek. Many parents prefer this option as their children are not self-disciplined enough to study effectively on their own from home so our VTC House structured and disciplined approach serves these students well.













For those that have children that prefer to work remotely, VTC House offers uses education technology in our online platform to facilitate classes over the internet.



















black student studying
young student studying on laptop

Tuition Fee Details

Sibling Discount

We encourage families to bring their siblings to VTC House and that's why we're proud to offer a sibling discount.


For families that already have a student at VTC House, and would like for their sibling to join, we offer a 10% discount to the sibling tuition fees that is the lower of the other sibling's monthly tuition fees, during the time that more than one sibling is at VTC House.


Registration Fee

After being accepted to VTC House, a registration fee is due with a signed agreement (per student).

For those that are just looking for a few individual 1-on-1 extra lessons, to help them prepare for their next examination or brush up in a specific subject, we provide extra lessons that can be bought in bundles or individually. Our experienced team of teachers are waiting to help you to succeed in that subject that you might need a big of extra attention with.




Art high school students at VTC in Cape Town
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Thanks to VTC House, I was able to achieve great exam results that allowed my applications to be successful at four South African universities.


Our son suffers from mild auditory dyslexia and was being bullied badly at our local high school in Grade 8. He was withdrawn and found it difficult to socialise with his peers. We can only express our utmost thanks and appreciation to Heather and her team of amazing tutors that his self-confidence has improved in leaps and bounds and he has managed to become a real "character". It's with a sad heart that he will be finishing his final exams this year and we'll miss the support and care that we've received. We know that he's now ready to move on thanks to Heather and staff at VTC." 

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