Online Tuition Options
Other subjects
Development Studies
Travel and Tourism
Environmental Management
Art and design
Please don't hesitate to query with us about another subject that is not listed above as often the comprehensive list does not always update to the website in time.
Determining the number of subjects depends on your child's academic goals, namely a Grade 11 Equivalent, a Senior Certificate (Standard Grade) or a Matric Exemption.
Click on the link below which shows the various options accredited for South African Qualification Association (SAQA).
What's the best Online Tuition Option for my child?
It's advised to consider the various online tuition options below and discuss this with the principal during your online interview before deciding on which option is best suited for your child.
Each child is different and after accumulating over a 15 years of experience, we are skilled at identifying the best option for each child in order for them to reach their full potential in their academic exams.
We offer both Cambridge curricula as well as GED (USA) curricula.
All of the Online Tuition Options for VTC House are listed in details below.
We don't make our tuition fees publicly available but if you contact our reception office to request more information, we will gladly send you the fee structure.
What's the difference between Campus and Online Tuition Options?​
Online Tuition Options:
For those that have children that prefer to work remotely, VTC House utilises technology on our online platform to facilitate classes over the internet to connect with your child from the comfort of your home. All students still get the full benefit of having personal teachers in each of their subjects that schedule regular classes with them and hold them accountable remotely, in order to prepare them for their examinations. As long as you have a reliable internet connection and a computer, you will be able to sign up for the online tuition option. Contact us to find out more about what specific computer hardware and connection requirements are needed.

Campus Tuition Options:
For those staying in the Cape Town area, we offer face to face tuition at our campus based in Fish Hoek. Many parents prefer this option as their children are not self-disciplined enough to study effectively on their own from home so our VTC House structured and disciplined approach serves these students well.
What is Cambridge?
Cambridge qualifications are accepted and valued by universities in South Africa and around the world. Cambridge students are well received by universities because of the higher standard of education and therefore the more popular option seems to be Cambridge when choosing between GED and Cambridge. There are over 2,800 Cambridge centres in the world in over 130 countries for students to complete their Cambridge exams.
They are recognised as qualifications that prepare and equip students with the skills they need to succeed both at university and beyond. Universities have been very vocal that they value the independent research and critical thinking skills, as well as the deep subject knowledge that the Cambridge qualifications bring to each student.
How does Cambridge compare to Matric?
Students can be confident that their Cambridge O Level qualification and Cambridge International AS - & A Level qualifications are accepted as equivalent to a Matric certificate.
Is Cambridge acceptable at universities?
Cambridge qualifications are widely accepted and valued by universities in South Africa and around the world, including MIT, Harvard and Cambridge.
Why choose Cambridge?
Flexibility of subject choice and qualification. Cambridge has a range of subjects to choose from giving the student more flexibility in choosing the subjects that they would like to focus on. In addition, with various qualifications available, it enables the student to shape their curriculum to their own customized needs and abilities.
Valued by universities. Cambridge qualifications are well accepted and highly valued by universities and tertiary institutions in South Africa and worldwide.
Students can work at their own pace. With the Cambridge qualification examinations available to be written any time a student is ready, twice a year, it allows students who work harder than their peers to finish school earlier than government school cirricula. Likewise it also allows students that need a bit more time to understand the work, to work at a pace that is best for them to achieve success. This results in students being able to build more confidence and create their own a customized learning journey.
The freedom to think and to question independently. Students are taught to not just accept things the things that they are taught in their cirriculum but rather to question and think independently.
Quality education. Cambridge qualifications help students to become confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. By choosing Cambridge you will be giving your students a solid foundation for achieving high levels of academic and personal success.
What is GED?
The GED, which stands for General Equivalency Development although many refer to it as General Equivalency Diploma ,tests are a group of four subject tests which, when passed, provide certification that the student has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills. Although created for students in the United States and Canada it, has become is a popular option worldwide. The GED test is administered all year round at over 3,400 testing centers worldwide. Over 20 million people have received a GED Credential worldwide since the program began in 1942.
Passing the GED test gives those who do not complete high school, or who do not meet requirements for high school diploma or grade 12 equivalent, the opportunity to earn their high school equivalency credential.
Students study and take a series of tests to certify your aptitude, knowledge and skills and the tests are taken either in person in an accredited testing centre or online.
There are four areas that are tested including:
Reasoning through Language Arts - Ability to read closely, write clearly, and edit and understand written text.
Mathematics - Quantitative & algebraic problem solving.
Social Studies - Civics and government, U.S. history, economics, geography and the world.
Science - Life science, physical science, earth and space science.
How does GED compare to Matric?
The GED exam is internationally recognised as a high school leavers equivalent or Grade 12 equivalent.
Is GED acceptable at universities?
South Africa: The GED credential is recognized by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as comparable to the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC). Further, Universities SA will issue GED graduates a Certificate of Foreign Conditional Exemption as per their gazetted requirements ( GED graduates have been accepted at most South African universities to study various degree programs.
USA: Roughly 98 percent of U.S. colleges and universities accept GED graduates in the same manner as high school graduates. Be sure to check with the institution in which you are applying to see if they accept GED graduates. After earning your GED credential, sign up to take the ACT and/or the SAT. The colleges to which you apply may also require you to take placement or achievement tests so that they can determine whether you need additional coursework.
Worldwide: The GED test is widely accepted by universities and colleges in many countries around the world. Acceptance to a higher education institution is usually based on several criteria, with one such criterion is high school or GED achievement. Click here fore more information about your country's universities acceptance.
How old does my child need to be to write the GED exam?
In order to take the GED test, you must be at least 16 years old.
Part-Time students study at home and come in to the VTC campus for specific lessons per subject and progress monitoring sessions from our team of dedicated teachers. There is also scheduled tests and internal exams prepared for your child to give them the best chance of passing their CIE exams.
This Part Time Tuition Option is perfect for:
Those students that only have a few subjects that they need to write examinations for compared to the full time number of subjects;
Parents that have students that have strong self-discipline and structure to be able to study at home unsupervised;
Parents that are looking for a more affordable option of tuition compared to the full time option, where their child can still get many of the benefits of having a dedicated team of teachers to assist their child prepare them to be successful in their exams.
Full-Time students come to the VTC campus daily, where they have an allocated work space to study where a teacher oversees that they remained focus on their work. They receive classes and progress monitoring sessions from our team of dedicated teachers. There is also supervision and extra assistance from teachers available between scheduled classes, as well as scheduled tests and internal exams prepared for your child to give them the best chance of passing their CIE exams.
This Full-Time Tuition Option is perfect for:
Parents who prefer to have their child learn in a structured environment, and which would like to ensure that their child receives the maximum benefit of all that VTC House as to offer, in order to have the best chance of succeeding in their exams;
Parents who's children have come from a government school environment and would like their child to have a smooth transition into a new education system and learning environment.
Parents with children that have struggled in larger class environments, that need more 1-on-1 teacher attention in order to help them succeed.
Business Studies​​
Any questions that have not been answered here, will be covered by our VTC House principal during your interview meeting with her so don't hesitate to ask any questions that you might have to her, during that meeting.
We look forward to meeting you and your child.
We offer the following subjects:
English First Language
English Literature
Afrikaans Second Language
Physical Sciences
Computer Science