Core Values

"to prepare each of our students to maximise their potential for their careers and for life."
We promote independent learning and self-responsibility to prepare them for universities and the global work environment. We value every child's future here at VTC House and therefore each student is challenged to improve and give their best.
​We call them the 5 C's and they incorporate our unique approach to education at VTC House:
Caring: we believe that creating an environment that truly cares for our students will help them see how valuable and unique they are to not only us but also to their community and society in general.
​Commitment: it is not just us who are fully committed to your child’s academic and personal success. We require our students to fully commit in their studies so they can reach their full potential.
Challenge: we believe promoting academic and personal standards focused on raising self-expectations in striving for excellence will provide an environment, which leads to success.
Community: through both the everyday life at VTC House and through our projects with our Interact group, students have a sense of belonging and are encouraged to look outwards.
Christianity: is at the base of our values. Students all have the freedom of choice to decide what is right and what is wrong, but if they value God they will look to Him for what is right and wrong.